What Does Parental Alienation Look Like?
To the Target Parent, child(ren)'s behaviors may include, but are not limited to:
rejection of the target parent
falsely accusing the targeted parent of abuse
recalling memories that never occurred
reenactments of strange behaviors and/or rituals
showing fear of the targeted parent for no reason
refusal to see the targeted parent
increasingly aggressive, hostile and/or abusive behavior towards the targeted parent
refusal to call the targeted parent "mom" or "dad"
calling targeted parent by new name or first name
increasingly secretive, deceptive, and/or lying behavior
targeted parent feels like an outsider around the child
never mentioning the alienating parent unless in terms of being a victim or in "poor health"
speaking in a made up or new language with siblings
overly emotional when targeted parent tries to make contact
becoming void of all emotion over extended period of time
increasingly acting like targeted parent "owes" child something
drop in child(ren)'s self-esteem
child(ren) become depressed and withdrawn over time
phone calls from targeted parent to child are interrupted, cut off, or not allowed at all
all communication suddenly cut off with targeted parent with little or no warning (phone number disconnected, etc.)
To Police, Social Workers, Therapists, Counselors, and Mental Health Professionals:
child(ren) emphatically refuses to see or states they are afraid to see targeted parent with no clear reasons as to why (gives only generalized answers and never specifies the reason why)
child(ren) are overly emotional, hysterical, or angry, towards the targeted parent
alienating parent does most, if not all of the talking to professionals and guides the child during interviews and counseling sessions
multiple well-child checks by law enforcement to the home
all children apparently recite the same story/script when interviewed
repetitive issues; for instance, issues revolve around food or money, something the alienating parent is angry about
child(ren) will continue to lie in order to please the alienating parent
the more intense the alienation occurring, the more intense the allegations
alienating parent insists they are present for all interviews with the child(ren) and will not let the child(ren) be interviewed without them
routine calls from alienating parent to police requesting police show up at pickup/drop off.